A line of cord organizers that beautifully organize any cord, and can never get lost. Patent Pending
Industrial Design, Interaction Design, Product Design,

If I encounter a problem with no elegant solution, I am driven to create one. I invented CordSnaps because I was frustrated with the then-available solutions to transporting and storing cords for my electronics.
Often my cords would become tangled in my bag, taking up unnecessary space, and wasting the time it took me to untangle them. The then-available options took up additional space within my bag, were aesthetically unappealing, and reduced the useful life of the cords by contorting it into shapes that would damage the cord over time.

I had a vision of a cord organizer that was easy to use, slim in profile, and would stay attached to the cord to prevent losing it when the cord was unfurled. I began with prototype research and development, testing various designs and receiving feedback. The final design is a high-quality leather strap with metal snaps. The strap includes a set of slits that the cord is passed through, keeping the strap attached to the cord at all times. The overall effect is a cord management solution that is elegant, durable, and easy to use.

I drafted and filed a provisional patent, writing all descriptions of the proprietary product functionality and drafting all necessary graphic accompaniment. I have since filed my regular patent application.
I went through the process of manufacturing CordSnaps myself, and later partnered with a manufacturer. CordSnaps are sold through Amazon, with an average rating of 5 stars. I am currently seeking licensing partners.